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Vast array of networks, technologies, and applications from the dawn of the Internet age to the present

  • From copper circuits to fiber packet-switched

  • From undersea cables to satellites

  • From paper directories to digital Internet search engines

  • Multistate and multinational networks

  • Financial and banking networks

  • Emergency services and Homeland Security

All manner of communications network/infrastructure

  • Fiber/coax

  • Licensed wireless

  • Unlicensed wireless

  • Satellite

  • Free space optical

All aspects of network builds

  • Equipment/hubs/switching

  • Towers & antennas

  • Poles, ducts, and conduits

  • Land acquisition/easements

  • Permits/franchises

  • Land use & environmental

Wholesale arrangements

  • Indefeasible rights of use for buyers/sellers

  • Interconnection and peering

  • Wireless roaming agreements

  • Tower/building leasing

  • Capacity contracts

  • Handsets/devices/IoT

Legal and regulatory issue spotting and strategies

  • Exempt services and business models

  • Privacy and data security

  • Federal and state

Dispute resolution

  • Administrative litigation

  • Federal and state courts

  • Arbitration and mediation

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